Pet Dental Care in Laurel, NY

At Mattituck-Laurel Veterinary Hospital in Laurel, NY, we offer pet dental services for all types of animals. Our veterinarians have experience with a variety of dentistry procedures, including cleanings and extractions. Our animal hospital offers everything from equine dental care to tooth cleanings for cats and dogs. Routine dental care is vital in keeping your pet healthy and pain-free.

Pet Dental

Pets Need Annual Dental Exams

Annual dental exams for pets are necessary to protect your animal's teeth and gums from decay and tooth loss. Routine exams and cleanings are preventative. They also catch dental and gum disease early, so that we can save your pet's teeth.

In some cases, you may not realize your pet needs a dental exam until your animal exhibits signs of dental distress. These signs include broken teeth, loose teeth, bad breath, discolored teeth, and abnormal chewing patterns. You might also notice that your pet is not eating as much or appears grumpy due to severe pain. Our vet can diagnose a dental issue and create a customized treatment plan.

Types of Pet Dental Problems

Pets suffer from many of the same dental problems as people. These are some of the dental issues that our veterinarian treats in cats, dogs, rabbits, and farm animals:

  • Gum disease
  • Tooth removal
  • Dental abscess or infection
  • Misalignment of teeth

What to Expect During a Dental Exam

Whether you have dogs, cats, rabbits, or farm animals, a dental exam for a pet begins with a quick look at your pet's teeth. Our vet may take X-rays to get a better look at the structure of your pet's teeth and jaw. Our veterinarian will also look at the gumline to determine if your pet has gum disease based on inflammation and redness of the gums.

If your pet needs to have additional work done, our veterinarian may put him or her under anesthesia. This is because pets may become stressed out, creating a health risk. Animals are also difficult to work with when they are awake for a dental procedure, and more time can be spent cleaning their teeth when they are asleep.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Veterinarian in Laurel, NY for Pet Dental Care

At Mattituck-Laurel Veterinary Hospital in Laurel, NY, we offer dental treatment for pets in need. Whether your animals require equine dental care or you simply have cats and dogs, we can help your pet feel as good as new. Call us today to schedule an appointment.


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8:00 am-2:00 pm

